Gurdjieff's 82 Rules for Life
Gurdjieff was a 20th-century philos opher. He wrote that Being, Grace and Mercy are the three great forces....which drive the engine of the universe. He also suggested that most people are not in tune with being, grace, and mercy as most people sleep-walk their way through life. So, to help people learn how to pay attention and wake up, he created a method and produced many writings. It is said that, among his various teachings and writings, Gurdjieff produced this list of 82 rules for life. Though 82 might seem like an odd number (and it might seem like a rather large number), reading through them, they seem pretty reasonable (except for rule 16). America needs to learn how to apply rule 17. Rules 1 and 15 would be the most challenging for me, personally, to apply (my mind wanders and I fidget). Rules 2, 5, 7 and 9 resonate the strongest with me, as do each of the "transform" rules. Rule #82 is my favorite and I will be sure to apply it if given the opportunity. Wi...