Bananas - God's Grace in Fruit Form

Last week I had to be picked up via ambulance - in front of my children (not good) and taken to ER for seizures (also not good.) To suddenly have your body stop working as it should and basically tweak out was scary enough, but in front of the kids, let me say that it makes one feel powerless. After much testing, the doctors believe it was just another migraine, albeit more severe than usual. My neurologist was thinking that beta blockers might help. Since there are side-effects (as with any med) I'm not in love with this idea, so I googled and found that the humble banana containes natural beta blockers. So I've been blendin' the smoothies (and taking my vitamins, getting good rest and exercise) and after a week I've got to say that I do feel better and am starting to believe that the banana is one of God's more perfect creations. After all the Banana comes in its own case, is easy to transport, gives a good burst of energy, and tastes great dipped in chocolate, ...