Doing Business. Again.

Once again I find myself on the path to begin my own business.

In the past, whenever an idea popped into my head, I would jump into action like BAM. But now I hesitate. Apparently, hesitating is something I have gotten very good at; I have been hesitating for the past three years.  But why?

Am I prepared? Yes.
Is the idea good? I think so.
Is the business regarding something I am passionate about? Definitely.
Am I afraid of failure? not really.

So why am I stuck?

Ben Stein once said: “So many fail because they don’t get started – they don’t go. They don’t overcome inertia. They don’t begin.” Yeah, yeah, yeah... like my business plan, the words look good on paper. For whatever reason, I seem to have forgotten how to turn ideas into action..... how to get my big, comfortable self out of the rabbit hole and into the world again.


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